TLAR Version Notes

TLAR 6.0

TLAR-expert initial commercial release

TLAR-expert has all of TLAR-pro’s features and adds emergency turnback functionality

TLAR-expert also adds aircraft telemetry recording for debrief/analysis purposes

Added flight path marker if descending to maps -pro and -expert

Added requirement for user to acknowledge the EULA on app start up on all versions

Minor adjustments to GUI on all versions

Known Issues

Apple changed the privacy permissions required to use the iOS barometer starting with iOS 17.4+. This causes erroneus iBaro read-outs in TLAR. We are working a fix.

Text labels will be slightly off if user places their phone or ipad in "Zoomed" mode [Settings/Display and Brightness/Display Zoom].

Using the iOS built-in software rotation button will scramble the screen.

App would freeze if map zoomed in or re-oriented by user. This is a known Apple bug, fixed in iOS 16.4. These features disabled if iOS is not 16.4 or better.